Source code for pyrad.packet

# Copyright 2002-2005,2007 Wichert Akkerman <>
# A RADIUS packet as defined in RFC 2138

import struct
import random
    import hashlib
    md5_constructor = hashlib.md5
except ImportError:
    # BBB for python 2.4
    import md5
    md5_constructor =
import six
from pyrad import tools

# Packet codes
AccessRequest = 1
AccessAccept = 2
AccessReject = 3
AccountingRequest = 4
AccountingResponse = 5
AccessChallenge = 11
StatusServer = 12
StatusClient = 13
DisconnectRequest = 40
DisconnectACK = 41
DisconnectNAK = 42
CoARequest = 43
CoAACK = 44
CoANAK = 45

# Use cryptographic-safe random generator as provided by the OS.
random_generator = random.SystemRandom()

# Current ID
CurrentID = random_generator.randrange(1, 255)

[docs]class PacketError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Packet(dict): """Packet acts like a standard python map to provide simple access to the RADIUS attributes. Since RADIUS allows for repeated attributes the value will always be a sequence. pyrad makes sure to preserve the ordering when encoding and decoding packets. There are two ways to use the map intereface: if attribute names are used pyrad take care of en-/decoding data. If the attribute type number (or a vendor ID/attribute type tuple for vendor attributes) is used you work with the raw data. Normally you will not use this class directly, but one of the :obj:`AuthPacket` or :obj:`AcctPacket` classes. """ def __init__(self, code=0, id=None, secret=six.b(''), authenticator=None, **attributes): """Constructor :param dict: RADIUS dictionary :type dict: pyrad.dictionary.Dictionary class :param secret: secret needed to communicate with a RADIUS server :type secret: string :param id: packet identifaction number :type id: integer (8 bits) :param code: packet type code :type code: integer (8bits) :param packet: raw packet to decode :type packet: string """ dict.__init__(self) self.code = code if id is not None: = id else: = CreateID() if not isinstance(secret, six.binary_type): raise TypeError('secret must be a binary string') self.secret = secret if authenticator is not None and \ not isinstance(authenticator, six.binary_type): raise TypeError('authenticator must be a binary string') self.authenticator = authenticator if 'dict' in attributes: self.dict = attributes['dict'] if 'packet' in attributes: self.DecodePacket(attributes['packet']) for (key, value) in attributes.items(): if key in ['dict', 'fd', 'packet']: continue key = key.replace('_', '-') self.AddAttribute(key, value)
[docs] def CreateReply(self, **attributes): """Create a new packet as a reply to this one. This method makes sure the authenticator and secret are copied over to the new instance. """ return Packet(, secret=self.secret, authenticator=self.authenticator, dict=self.dict, **attributes)
def _DecodeValue(self, attr, value): if attr.values.HasBackward(value): return attr.values.GetBackward(value) else: return tools.DecodeAttr(attr.type, value) def _EncodeValue(self, attr, value): result = '' if attr.values.HasForward(value): result = attr.values.GetForward(value) else: result = tools.EncodeAttr(attr.type, value) if attr.encrypt == 2: # salt encrypt attribute result = self.SaltCrypt(result) return result def _EncodeKeyValues(self, key, values): if not isinstance(key, str): return (key, values) key, _, tag = key.partition(":") attr = self.dict.attributes[key] if attr.vendor: key = (self.dict.vendors.GetForward(attr.vendor), attr.code) else: key = attr.code if tag: tag = struct.pack('B', int(tag)) if attr.type == "integer": return (key, [tag + self._EncodeValue(attr, v)[1:] for v in values]) else: return (key, [tag + self._EncodeValue(attr, v) for v in values]) else: return (key, [self._EncodeValue(attr, v) for v in values]) def _EncodeKey(self, key): if not isinstance(key, str): return key attr = self.dict.attributes[key] if attr.vendor: return (self.dict.vendors.GetForward(attr.vendor), attr.code) else: return attr.code def _DecodeKey(self, key): """Turn a key into a string if possible""" if self.dict.attrindex.HasBackward(key): return self.dict.attrindex.GetBackward(key) return key
[docs] def AddAttribute(self, key, value): """Add an attribute to the packet. :param key: attribute name or identification :type key: string, attribute code or (vendor code, attribute code) tuple :param value: value :type value: depends on type of attribute """ if isinstance(value, list): (key, value) = self._EncodeKeyValues(key, value) self.setdefault(key, []).extend(value) else: (key, value) = self._EncodeKeyValues(key, [value]) value = value[0] self.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): return dict.__getitem__(self, key) values = dict.__getitem__(self, self._EncodeKey(key)) attr = self.dict.attributes[key] res = [] for v in values: res.append(self._DecodeValue(attr, v)) return res def __contains__(self, key): try: return dict.__contains__(self, self._EncodeKey(key)) except KeyError: return False has_key = __contains__ def __delitem__(self, key): dict.__delitem__(self, self._EncodeKey(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, item): if isinstance(key, six.string_types): (key, item) = self._EncodeKeyValues(key, [item]) dict.__setitem__(self, key, item) else: assert isinstance(item, list) dict.__setitem__(self, key, item) def keys(self): return [self._DecodeKey(key) for key in dict.keys(self)] @staticmethod
[docs] def CreateAuthenticator(): """Create a packet autenticator. All RADIUS packets contain a sixteen byte authenticator which is used to authenticate replies from the RADIUS server and in the password hiding algorithm. This function returns a suitable random string that can be used as an authenticator. :return: valid packet authenticator :rtype: binary string """ data = [] for i in range(16): data.append(random_generator.randrange(0, 256)) if six.PY3: return bytes(data) else: return ''.join(chr(b) for b in data)
[docs] def CreateID(self): """Create a packet ID. All RADIUS requests have a ID which is used to identify a request. This is used to detect retries and replay attacks. This function returns a suitable random number that can be used as ID. :return: ID number :rtype: integer """ return random_generator.randrange(0, 256)
[docs] def ReplyPacket(self): """Create a ready-to-transmit authentication reply packet. Returns a RADIUS packet which can be directly transmitted to a RADIUS server. This differs with Packet() in how the authenticator is calculated. :return: raw packet :rtype: string """ assert(self.authenticator) assert(self.secret is not None) attr = self._PktEncodeAttributes() header = struct.pack('!BBH', self.code,, (20 + len(attr))) authenticator = md5_constructor(header[0:4] + self.authenticator + attr + self.secret).digest() return header + authenticator + attr
def VerifyReply(self, reply, rawreply=None): if != return False if rawreply is None: rawreply = reply.ReplyPacket() hash = md5_constructor(rawreply[0:4] + self.authenticator + rawreply[20:] + self.secret).digest() if hash != rawreply[4:20]: return False return True def _PktEncodeAttribute(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, tuple): value = struct.pack('!L', key[0]) + \ self._PktEncodeAttribute(key[1], value) key = 26 return struct.pack('!BB', key, (len(value) + 2)) + value def _PktEncodeAttributes(self): result = six.b('') for (code, datalst) in self.items(): for data in datalst: result += self._PktEncodeAttribute(code, data) return result def _PktDecodeVendorAttribute(self, data): # Check if this packet is long enough to be in the # RFC2865 recommended form if len(data) < 6: return [(26, data)] (vendor, type, length) = struct.unpack('!LBB', data[:6])[0:3] tlvs = [((vendor, type), data[6:length+4])] sumlength = 4 + length while len(data) > sumlength: try: type, length = struct.unpack('!BB', data[sumlength:sumlength+2])[0:2] except: return [(26, data)] tlvs.append(((vendor, type), data[sumlength+2:sumlength+length])) sumlength += length return tlvs
[docs] def DecodePacket(self, packet): """Initialize the object from raw packet data. Decode a packet as received from the network and decode it. :param packet: raw packet :type packet: string""" try: (self.code,, length, self.authenticator) = \ struct.unpack('!BBH16s', packet[0:20]) except struct.error: raise PacketError('Packet header is corrupt') if len(packet) != length: raise PacketError('Packet has invalid length') if length > 8192: raise PacketError('Packet length is too long (%d)' % length) self.clear() packet = packet[20:] while packet: try: (key, attrlen) = struct.unpack('!BB', packet[0:2]) except struct.error: raise PacketError('Attribute header is corrupt') if attrlen < 2: raise PacketError( 'Attribute length is too small (%d)' % attrlen) value = packet[2:attrlen] if key == 26: for (key, value) in self._PktDecodeVendorAttribute(value): self.setdefault(key, []).append(value) else: self.setdefault(key, []).append(value) packet = packet[attrlen:]
[docs] def SaltCrypt(self, value): """Salt Encryption :param value: plaintext value :type password: unicode string :return: obfuscated version of the value :rtype: binary string """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode('utf-8') if self.authenticator is None: # self.authenticator = self.CreateAuthenticator() self.authenticator = 16 * six.b('\x00') salt = struct.pack('!H', random_generator.randrange(0, 65535)) salt = chr(ord(salt[0]) | 1 << 7)+salt[1] length = struct.pack("B", len(value)) buf = length + value if len(buf) % 16 != 0: buf += six.b('\x00') * (16 - (len(buf) % 16)) result = six.b(salt) last = self.authenticator + salt while buf: hash = md5_constructor(self.secret + last).digest() if six.PY3: for i in range(16): result += bytes((hash[i] ^ buf[i],)) else: for i in range(16): result += chr(ord(hash[i]) ^ ord(buf[i])) last = result[-16:] buf = buf[16:] return result
[docs]class AuthPacket(Packet): def __init__(self, code=AccessRequest, id=None, secret=six.b(''), authenticator=None, **attributes): """Constructor :param code: packet type code :type code: integer (8bits) :param id: packet identifaction number :type id: integer (8 bits) :param secret: secret needed to communicate with a RADIUS server :type secret: string :param dict: RADIUS dictionary :type dict: pyrad.dictionary.Dictionary class :param packet: raw packet to decode :type packet: string """ Packet.__init__(self, code, id, secret, authenticator, **attributes)
[docs] def CreateReply(self, **attributes): """Create a new packet as a reply to this one. This method makes sure the authenticator and secret are copied over to the new instance. """ return AuthPacket(AccessAccept,, self.secret, self.authenticator, dict=self.dict, **attributes)
[docs] def RequestPacket(self): """Create a ready-to-transmit authentication request packet. Return a RADIUS packet which can be directly transmitted to a RADIUS server. :return: raw packet :rtype: string """ attr = self._PktEncodeAttributes() if self.authenticator is None: self.authenticator = self.CreateAuthenticator() if is None: = self.CreateID() header = struct.pack('!BBH16s', self.code,, (20 + len(attr)), self.authenticator) return header + attr
[docs] def PwDecrypt(self, password): """Unobfuscate a RADIUS password. RADIUS hides passwords in packets by using an algorithm based on the MD5 hash of the packet authenticator and RADIUS secret. This function reverses the obfuscation process. :param password: obfuscated form of password :type password: binary string :return: plaintext password :rtype: unicode string """ buf = password pw = six.b('') last = self.authenticator while buf: hash = md5_constructor(self.secret + last).digest() if six.PY3: for i in range(16): pw += bytes((hash[i] ^ buf[i],)) else: for i in range(16): pw += chr(ord(hash[i]) ^ ord(buf[i])) (last, buf) = (buf[:16], buf[16:]) while pw.endswith(six.b('\x00')): pw = pw[:-1] return pw.decode('utf-8')
[docs] def PwCrypt(self, password): """Obfuscate password. RADIUS hides passwords in packets by using an algorithm based on the MD5 hash of the packet authenticator and RADIUS secret. If no authenticator has been set before calling PwCrypt one is created automatically. Changing the authenticator after setting a password that has been encrypted using this function will not work. :param password: plaintext password :type password: unicode stringn :return: obfuscated version of the password :rtype: binary string """ if self.authenticator is None: self.authenticator = self.CreateAuthenticator() if isinstance(password, six.text_type): password = password.encode('utf-8') buf = password if len(password) % 16 != 0: buf += six.b('\x00') * (16 - (len(password) % 16)) hash = md5_constructor(self.secret + self.authenticator).digest() result = six.b('') last = self.authenticator while buf: hash = md5_constructor(self.secret + last).digest() if six.PY3: for i in range(16): result += bytes((hash[i] ^ buf[i],)) else: for i in range(16): result += chr(ord(hash[i]) ^ ord(buf[i])) last = result[-16:] buf = buf[16:] return result
[docs] def VerifyChapPasswd(self, userpwd): """ Verify RADIUS ChapPasswd :param userpwd: plaintext password :type userpwd: str :return: is verify ok :rtype: bool """ if not self.authenticator: self.authenticator = self.CreateAuthenticator() if isinstance(userpwd, six.text_type): userpwd = userpwd.strip().encode('utf-8') chap_password = tools.DecodeOctets(self.get(3)[0]) if len(chap_password) != 17: return False chapid = chap_password[0] password = chap_password[1:] challenge = self.authenticator if 'CHAP-Challenge' in self: challenge = self['CHAP-Challenge'][0] return password == md5_constructor("%s%s%s" % (chapid, userpwd, challenge)).digest()
[docs]class AcctPacket(Packet): """RADIUS accounting packets. This class is a specialization of the generic :obj:`Packet` class for accounting packets. """ def __init__(self, code=AccountingRequest, id=None, secret=six.b(''), authenticator=None, **attributes): """Constructor :param dict: RADIUS dictionary :type dict: pyrad.dictionary.Dictionary class :param secret: secret needed to communicate with a RADIUS server :type secret: string :param id: packet identifaction number :type id: integer (8 bits) :param code: packet type code :type code: integer (8bits) :param packet: raw packet to decode :type packet: string """ Packet.__init__(self, code, id, secret, authenticator, **attributes) if 'packet' in attributes: self.raw_packet = attributes['packet']
[docs] def CreateReply(self, **attributes): """Create a new packet as a reply to this one. This method makes sure the authenticator and secret are copied over to the new instance. """ return AcctPacket(AccountingResponse,, self.secret, self.authenticator, dict=self.dict, **attributes)
[docs] def VerifyAcctRequest(self): """Verify request authenticator. :return: True if verification failed else False :rtype: boolean """ assert(self.raw_packet) hash = md5_constructor(self.raw_packet[0:4] + 16 * six.b('\x00') + self.raw_packet[20:] + self.secret).digest() return hash == self.authenticator
[docs] def RequestPacket(self): """Create a ready-to-transmit authentication request packet. Return a RADIUS packet which can be directly transmitted to a RADIUS server. :return: raw packet :rtype: string """ attr = self._PktEncodeAttributes() if is None: = self.CreateID() header = struct.pack('!BBH', self.code,, (20 + len(attr))) self.authenticator = md5_constructor(header[0:4] + 16 * six.b('\x00') + attr + self.secret).digest() return header + self.authenticator + attr
[docs]class CoAPacket(Packet): """RADIUS CoA packets. This class is a specialization of the generic :obj:`Packet` class for CoA packets. """ def __init__(self, code=CoARequest, id=None, secret=six.b(''), authenticator=None, **attributes): """Constructor :param dict: RADIUS dictionary :type dict: pyrad.dictionary.Dictionary class :param secret: secret needed to communicate with a RADIUS server :type secret: string :param id: packet identifaction number :type id: integer (8 bits) :param code: packet type code :type code: integer (8bits) :param packet: raw packet to decode :type packet: string """ Packet.__init__(self, code, id, secret, authenticator, **attributes) if 'packet' in attributes: self.raw_packet = attributes['packet']
[docs] def CreateReply(self, **attributes): """Create a new packet as a reply to this one. This method makes sure the authenticator and secret are copied over to the new instance. """ return CoAPacket(CoAACK,, self.secret, self.authenticator, dict=self.dict, **attributes)
[docs] def VerifyCoARequest(self): """Verify request authenticator. :return: True if verification failed else False :rtype: boolean """ assert(self.raw_packet) hash = md5_constructor(self.raw_packet[0:4] + 16 * six.b('\x00') + self.raw_packet[20:] + self.secret).digest() return hash == self.authenticator
[docs] def RequestPacket(self): """Create a ready-to-transmit CoA request packet. Return a RADIUS packet which can be directly transmitted to a RADIUS server. :return: raw packet :rtype: string """ attr = self._PktEncodeAttributes() if is None: = self.CreateID() header = struct.pack('!BBH', self.code,, (20 + len(attr))) self.authenticator = md5_constructor(header[0:4] + 16 * six.b('\x00') + attr + self.secret).digest() return header + self.authenticator + attr
def CreateID(): """Generate a packet ID. :return: packet ID :rtype: 8 bit integer """ global CurrentID CurrentID = (CurrentID + 1) % 256 return CurrentID