Source code for pyrad.proxy

# Copyright 2005,2007 Wichert Akkerman <>
# A RADIUS proxy as defined in RFC 2138

from pyrad.server import ServerPacketError
from pyrad.server import Server
from pyrad import packet
import select
import socket

[docs]class Proxy(Server): """Base class for RADIUS proxies. This class extends tha RADIUS server class with the capability to handle communication with other RADIUS servers as well. :ivar _proxyfd: network socket used to communicate with other servers :type _proxyfd: socket class instance """ def _PrepareSockets(self): Server._PrepareSockets(self) self._proxyfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._fdmap[self._proxyfd.fileno()] = self._proxyfd self._poll.register(self._proxyfd.fileno(), (select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI | select.POLLERR)) def _HandleProxyPacket(self, pkt): """Process a packet received on the reply socket. If this packet should be dropped instead of processed a :obj:`ServerPacketError` exception should be raised. The main loop will drop the packet and log the reason. :param pkt: packet to process :type pkt: Packet class instance """ if pkt.source[0] not in self.hosts: raise ServerPacketError('Received packet from unknown host') pkt.secret = self.hosts[pkt.source[0]].secret if pkt.code not in [packet.AccessAccept, packet.AccessReject, packet.AccountingResponse]: raise ServerPacketError('Received non-response on proxy socket') def _ProcessInput(self, fd): """Process available data. If this packet should be dropped instead of processed a `ServerPacketError` exception should be raised. The main loop will drop the packet and log the reason. This function calls either :obj:`HandleAuthPacket`, :obj:`HandleAcctPacket` or :obj:`_HandleProxyPacket` depending on which socket is being processed. :param fd: socket to read packet from :type fd: socket class instance :param pkt: packet to process :type pkt: Packet class instance """ if fd.fileno() == self._proxyfd.fileno(): pkt = self._GrabPacket( lambda data, s=self: s.CreatePacket(packet=data), fd) self._HandleProxyPacket(pkt) else: Server._ProcessInput(self, fd)